Central Bank of India Concurrent Auditor Recruitment 2024 – Last Date 10 December at Govt Exam Update

Central Bank of India Concurrent Auditor Recruitment 2024: The Central Bank of India is inviting applications for the recruitment of Concurrent Auditors for the year 2024. This is a great opportunity for retired staff from the Bank to become part of the panel and assist in the concurrent audit assignments at various branches.

If you are interested in becoming a Concurrent Auditor, this blog will provide you with all the details you need about eligibility, the application process, terms and conditions, and more.

CBI Recruitment 2024
CBI Recruitment 2024

Eligibility Criteria for Central Bank of India Concurrent Auditor Recruitment 2024

To apply for the position of Concurrent Auditor at the Central Bank of India, candidates must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Retirement Status: Applicants must be retired voluntarily or due to superannuation from Scale III, IV, V, or VI of the Central Bank of India up to 31.10.2024.
  2. Work Experience: Candidates should have a minimum of 5 years’ experience as:
    • Branch Manager OR
    • Internal Auditor OR
    • A combination of both (Branch Manager + Internal Auditor).
  3. Technical Experience: Must have worked in a CBS (Core Banking System) Environment.
  4. Professional Qualification:
    • JAIIB or CAIIB-I (Certified Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers) or higher.
  5. Academic Qualification: A minimum of a Graduate degree or above.
  6. Age Limit: Applicants must be under 63 years of age at the time of empanelment.
  7. Service Record: A satisfactory service record is mandatory. The applicant should not be in the Agreed List of Officers or the List of Officers of Doubtful Integrity during the preceding 3 years, and after retirement.
  8. Punishment History:
    • The applicant should not have faced any major punishment or penalty in the last 5 years before retirement or after retirement.
    • No minor punishment (such as censure or higher) in the last 3 years before retirement or after retirement.

Also Read: 25 Posts – State Bank of India – SBI Recruitment 2024(All India Can Apply)

Terms and Conditions for Empanelment

The empanelment for Concurrent Auditor is subject to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Empanelment does not guarantee work: Simply meeting the eligibility criteria will not automatically ensure that the candidate is given an assignment. Work will be allotted at the Bank’s discretion.
  2. Validity of Empanelment: Once empaneled, the auditor’s appointment is valid for 5 years, contingent upon satisfactory performance.
  3. Maximum Age for Assignment: Ex-staff will be used for concurrent audits up to the age of 65 years or until the completion of the audit assignment, whichever is later.
  4. Assignment Allocation: Assignments will be allotted during the annual exercise of concurrent audit allotment. Interested ex-staff will need to apply separately for each assignment.
  5. Fee Payment: Fees will be paid only after an audit assignment is allocated to the ex-staff member.
  6. Depanelment: An ex-staff member will be de-panelled in the following cases:
    • Upon reaching the age of 65.
    • If the ex-staff engages in any financial or intermediary activities with the Bank.
    • If the ex-staff refuses to accept an assignment.
    • If the ex-staff resigns from the audit assignment before completion.
    • If removed from an audit assignment for any reason.
  7. Remuneration: The remuneration will be paid according to the current policy guidelines once a branch or office is allocated.
  8. Scope of Work: The scope of work will be detailed in the assignment letter and will vary depending on the type of branch or office.

Important Notes to Remember for Central Bank of India Concurrent Auditor Recruitment 2024

  • The successful candidates who are empaneled will be eligible to apply for concurrent audit assignments for various branches/offices.
  • Assignment allotment will be based on merit.
  • Helpline Numbers for inquiries: 022-61648644 & 022-61648642.
How to Apply for Central Bank of India Concurrent Auditor Recruitment 2024

To apply for the Concurrent Auditor role, you need to follow the application procedure outlined by the Central Bank of India. Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria before applying. Applications can be submitted online or as per the instructions in the official notification.

|| Important Links ||

Official Website Link
Official Notification Link

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