RPF Constable 2024 Free Practice SET-15: Enhance your preparation with this carefully curated set of multiple-choice questions designed for the RPF Constable 2024 CBT (Computer-Based Test). These practice questions are aligned with the latest exam pattern and syllabus to give you a competitive edge.
These practice questions are time-saving and mimic the actual exam format to help you manage time better during the test. This free and easily accessible practice set allows candidates to assess their strengths and identify areas that require improvement. With consistent practice, you can build confidence and familiarity with the exam structure.
RPF Constable 2024 Free Practice SET-15 MCQs
Here are the MCQs:
1. Who is known as Shaheed-e-Azam?
- A) Bhagat Singh
- B) Batukeshwar Dutt
- C) Gandhi
- D) Subhas Chandra Bose
2. Who established the city of Agra?
- A) Sikandar Lodi
- B) Babur
- C) Akbar
- D) Humayun
3. Where was the Zero Milestone established during colonial rule?
- A) Mumbai
- B) Nagpur
- C) Delhi
- D) Pune
4. What is defined as the market value of all final goods and services produced within an economy in a given year?
- A) Production Methods
- B) National Income
- C) Economic Planning
- D) Monetary Policy
5. What is the distance between two consecutive parallels of latitude?
- A) 111 km
- B) 100 km
- C) 150 km
- D) 120 km
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6. Which of the following represents different types of revolutions in India?
- A) Brown Revolution – Leather production
- B) Black Revolution – Petroleum production
- C) Pink Revolution – Shrimp and meat production
- D) All of the Above
7. Which bank’s headquarters is located in Kolkata?
- A) State Bank of India
- B) HDFC Bank
- C) ICICI Bank
- D) Bandhan Bank
8. Which catalyst is used in the hydrogenation of vegetable oils?
- A) Nickel
- B) Iron
- C) Zinc
- D) Copper
9. Which polymer is a synthetic fluoropolymer formed from tetrafluoroethylene monomer?
- A) Teflon
- B) Nylon
- C) Polystyrene
- D) Polyethylene
10. What is the science of earthworm cultivation and its use in converting organic waste into compost?
- A) Vermiculture
- B) Hydroponics
- C) Agriculture
- D) Compost Engineering
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11. Arrange the given words in alphabetical order:
- A) 4, 1, 5, 2, 3
- B) 4, 1, 5, 3, 2
- C) 4, 1, 3, 5, 2
- D) 4, 1, 3, 2, 5
12. Choose the related pair from the options:
GT : HV :: ?
- A) DQ : ES
- B) YK : TT
- C) FF : AB
- D) LL : NA
13. In a certain code language, ‘COULD’ is coded as ‘67095,’ ‘CROWN’ is coded as ‘85317,’ and ‘DOUBT’ is coded as ‘26450.’ What is the code for ‘D’?
- A) 5
- B) 6
- C) 4
- D) 2
14. Which letter will replace the question mark in the given sequence?
R, O, L, I, F, ?
- A) C
- B) E
- C) B
- D) D
15. A is B’s mother. B is C’s sister. C is D’s father. D is E’s brother. E is F’s husband. F is G’s sister. How is F related to C?
- A) Father
- B) Sister
- C) Husband’s father
- D) Mother
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Answers to the RPF Constable 2024 Free Practice SET-15 (MCQs) for CBT Exam
Here are the answers:
- A) Bhagat Singh
- A) Sikandar Lodi
- B) Nagpur
- B) National Income
- A) 111 km
- D) All of the Above
- D) Bandhan Bank
- A) Nickel
- A) Teflon
- A) Vermiculture
- B) 4, 1, 5, 3, 2
- A) DQ : ES
- B) 6
- A) C
- C) Husband’s father
The questions and answers provided in this practice set are created for educational and practice purposes only. They are not sourced from any official Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) examination papers or confidential materials. The content is based on publicly available information and general knowledge to help candidates prepare for competitive exams. Karmasandhan.com does not claim any official association with RRB or any government organization.